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639 Results Found

An Ordinance regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the instillation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters into the public sewer system

An Ordinance providing curfew for unaccompanied or unemancipated minors; establishing parental, guardian, and custodial responsibility

An Ordinance amending the City of Willamina comprehensive land use plan and planning atlas and adopting the plan map of 1987

An Ordinance adopting the City of Willamina zoning and development ordinance and the City of Willamina zoning map of 1987

An Ordinance providing for parental responsibility of a child's delinquent actions

An Ordinance providing that the owner or owner's of real property shall construct, maintain and keep in repair the sidewalks in the streets of the City of Willamina

An Ordinance regulating and providing for the collection and disposal of solid waste within the City of Willamina or recovery of materials or energy from such solid wastes and recycling of recyclable materials, and granting an exclusive franchise therefor, and defining the terms thereof; providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance

An Ordinance amending ordinance 548 prescribing the methods and procedures for making public improvements in the City of Willamina; for levying and collecting special assessments therefor; for the creating and enforcement of assessment liens.

An Ordinance regulating and requiring the licensing of businesses, regulating amusement devices and itinerant merchants solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, and transient vendors of merchandise within the City of Willamina repealing ordinance 520, 427,282,553 and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance defining and regulating gambling, licensing cardrooms, providing for persons under 18, prescribing penalties, repealing ordinance 418, 426, 528 and section 58 or ordinance 450 and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance restricting the use of water in emergency situations in the City of Willamina, prescribing penalties and declaring and emergency

An Ordinance to repeal and/or amend certain ordinances and sections of ordinances; to change misdemeanors to violations and infractions; updating jury fees and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance providing for parking and traffic restrictions for vehicular and pedestrian traffic; repealing and amending certain ordinances and sections of ordinances; and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance amending ordinance 532 by revising section 3 relating to connection charge; repealing section 3, subsection 3 of ordinance 532-A and repealing that portion of resolution 91-92-13 relating to connections and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance providing for property owners responsibility in maintaining sewer building drains and building sewers, providing for notice to be given to such owner or owners to repair same, providing for the city to make such repair and levy the cost thereof against the property, amending ordinance 532 and declaring an emergency

An Ordinance amending general ordinance 521 and zoning and development ordinance 540 as they pertain to the construction of fences and walls. clear vision areas, trees, bushes, hedges or other vegetation, establishing procedures for fence and wall construction approval, and declaring an emergency

Part A - An Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of ordinance 592, the Willamina zoning and development ordinance; providing provisions for three family housing (triplexes) in the two family residential zone Part B - An Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of ordinance 592, the Willamina zoning and development ordinance; amending provisions for residential uses in the general commercial (C-1) zone, and...

Part A - An Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of ordinance 592, the Willamina zoning and development ordinance; providing provisions for three family housing (triplexes) in the two family residential zone Part B - An Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of ordinance 592, the Willamina zoning and development ordinance; amending provisions for residential uses in the general commercial (C-1) zone, and...

An Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of ordinance 592, the Willamina zoning and development ordinance; providing provisions for townhouse dwellings in the two and three family residential zones

An Ordinance to regulate the making of cuts in streets; to require application, permits, and security therefor; to establish fees for inspections of cuts; and to prescribe penalties for the violation thereof.

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