Archives: FAQs

Is a license required to sell door-to-door?

Yes, a business license and daily fee (per representative) is required to sell goods door-to-door. Business licenses are subject to approval. Please allow sufficient time to apply and process your license before you plan on selling door-to-door. Once approved you must carry the license on your person at all times. You may complete the business … Continued

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

The City of Willamina contracts with Yamhill County Sheriff for services. All inquiries would need to be processed through their office. Click here for records requests, or call (503) 434-7506.

Where is court held?

Municpal court is held at City Hall on 411 NE C Street in the conference room. The entrance is the blue side door, not the main City Hall entrance.

When is court held?

Municipal court is held on the third Wednesday each month at 3:30 p.m. at the City Hall conference room. The entrance is the blue side door, not the main City Hall entrance.

How do I start water service?

New residents must complete a move-in application and pay a $155.00 utility deposit. If you are renting your property you will need to complete a landlord utility application as well as a business license. Once a move-in application is completed and deposit paid, water and sewer utilities will be placed in the resident’s name. Click here … Continued

Do I need a permit to park an RV?

Yes. A copy of the permit can be found by clicking this link. You may also call Code Enforcement at (503) 437-6975 or stop by City Hall to request a permit.

How do I test my drinking water?

The City of Willamina completes regular testing on our water system. For annual consumer confidence reports, visit our Public Works water page or call City Hall at (503) 876-2242.

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