Document Types: Ordinances

Ordinance 657

An Ordinance declaring and correcting a scriveners error in the City of Willamina zoning map and declaring an emergency

Ordinance 658: Marijuana Tax

An Ordinance establishing a tax on the sale of marijuana and marijuana-infused products in the City of Willamina

Ordinance 659: Economic Improvement District

An Ordinance continuing an economic improvement district, making assessments, authorizing the collection of said assessments each year for a period of 5 years beginning January 1 2016 through December 31, 2021 and assessing the cost thereof against the identified and benefitted real property

Ordinance 660: Section 33.40

An Ordinance adding a new section 33.40 to the Willamina Municipal code authorizing the establishment and imposition of fees and other charges for streets, sidewalks, streetlights, and other public places and amenities.

Ordinance 661: Marijuana Tax

An Ordinance of the City of Willamina imposing a three percent tax on sale of marijuana items by a marijuana retailer and referring ordinance 661

Ordinance 665: Title V Amendment

An Ordiance of the City of Willamina amending Title V – Public Works of the Willamina Code by adding a new Chapter 53 relating to utility facilities in public right of way

Ordinance 667: Annexation

An Ordinance annexing to the city of Willamina the territory described in exhibit “A” and amending the Willamina zoning map to apply the R-2 zone and amending the comprehensive plan map to apply the MDR designation to the annexed property.

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