Willamina, OR 97396
Sundays: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
or by appointment
Call Shana Reid: 503-270-6193
Call Bob Brown: 503-876-7853

Willamina is rich with history dating back to the 1800's. From working in a wood mill, a brick factory, to an every day little town settled in the Yamhill and Polk County Valley.
The Willamina Museum is located in one of the oldest buildings in the City. It was originally the first Church, built in 1887, soon after the town was settled. It continues to serve the community as a place to share the past of the Willamina, Grand Ronde and Sheridan area. We believe "History has no meaning unless it's shared."
The Willamina Museum has individuals who are committed to preserving the past, by collecting artifacts, old photographs, and memorabilia. Our mission is to preserve the heritage of our area and to provide a place where people can learn from.
Willamina wants to show individuals to view the world from different perspectives. History teaches critical thinking when researching, like understanding biases and juggling multiple perspectives. History is all around us and where we come from and what our ancestors went through, helps a person see the good and bad then learn from it. Teaching local history helps to better understand our community, as well as the inequities in education, poverty, health outcomes and other issues that they see around them every day.
A city is not a community without an understanding of its past. Our knowledge of the traditions, stories, and civic ceremonies from the community before us, strengthen our connections and transforms our city into a community.
Visit the Willamina Museum and find out where it all began!