Burn Pile

The City of Willamina offers a burn pile open to citizens of the city only. No commercial or business dumping.

Located at City Shops: 500 SW Adams Street, Willamina

Open Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Monday – Friday.

Materials Accepted:

Large tree stumps
Natural wood
Bush cuttings
Tree cuttings
Garden debris (branches, weeds, grass)
Anything naturally grown

Please do NOT bring:

Rubber Products
Petroleum and Petroleum Treated Products
Industrial Waste
Wire Insulation
Automotive Parts
Animal Remains
Wet Yard Debris
ANY materials which emit dense black smoke or noxious odors.

If you have other materials that you would like to bring or not sure if your material is acceptable please give us a call. Violators may be fined up to $300 per violation pursuant to Willamina Ordinance 93.99(A)

The City of Willamina’s burn pile is open year round, but we can only burn during certain times of the year. Please be courteous of where you dump, that way others can have access to the pile; we try to maintain the burn pile area as best we can and follow rules so we can keep this service open to the citizens of Willamina.

Some days may differ due to weather

The burn pile is located in the back of the maintenance shop at Public Works, off Adams St. Follow the arrow sign on the right as you enter the gate.

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