Author: [email protected]

Water pressure reduction in some Willamina neighborhoods

The City of Willamina is aware that some citizens have experienced a decrease in water pressure. Our Public Works department has decreased the water pressure in the areas of 6th street and Highlands Loop. The pressure was lowered to 50 pounds per square inch (psi) to accommodate for another neighborhood having too high of pressure. … Continued

Newsletter: January – February 2024

Download PDF here City Manager News What is the role of the Planning Commission and the Planning Commissioner? To respond to these questions, we defer to the Oregon Planning Commissioner Handbook which was created by the collaborative efforts of the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association, … Continued

Newsletter: December 2023 – January 2024

Download PDF here. City Officials & Roles City officials have many responsibilities. At times it can be confusing what is the responsibility of City Council and what is the responsibility of City Administration. Below are some brief descriptions of the typical roles municipal officials have. City Council Elected by citizens, City Council has the authority … Continued

Notice of Sanitary Sewer Overflow

On Sunday, December 10th, from 8:05 a.m. to 3:35 p.m., the City of Willamina E Street Pump Station experienced a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) into Willamina Creek. This occurred due to a large amount of rain falling in a short amount of time and the pumps were unable to keep up with the high demand. … Continued

Library featured in Oregon ArtsWatch

This week our library was featured in Oregon ArtsWatch! Oregon ArtsWatch is a journal that covers the fine and performing arts in Oregon. The article explores the history and revitilization of the library and highlights current programming. We are extremely proud of our Library staff and volunteers who work so hard to make the library … Continued

Trunk or Treat 2023

Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat event! Organizations and businesses may register to participate in creating a fun, safe halloween activity for kids. Complete the registration form (copies available at City Hall) and submit no later than October 18th to Christine Talley [email protected]. For questions call (503) 876-2242. Event Details Date: Tuesday October 31, … Continued

National Night Out 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 3rd annual National Night Out Event! We had an amazing turnout. The Deputy Dunk Tank was a huge hit, as always, and we were able to raise $477 for the Yamhill County Sheriff K-9 Program. This year’s event featured live music by Old Crow, kids activities and … Continued

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